An easy guided morning meditation to start your day right

Avatar for Avaana Team By in calm, Guided meditation, meditation, mindfulness, morning yoga, selfcare on 20/09/2023
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We know that guided morning meditation offers many benefits: better focus, improved health, and deeper sleep among many others. But for many people, especially those who are restless or find it hard to stay in one place for long, meditation can be quite intimidating. If you’re worried about keeping your mind focused on one thing for a long time, a guided morning meditation might be the right option for you.

Guided morning meditation leads you through a mindfulness practice with simple instructions that keep you focused on the task at hand. It is a great way for beginners to learn how to meditate and discover what works for them, but many experienced practitioners also find it refreshing and relaxing to follow a guided morning meditation sometimes.  

Girl practising guided morning meditation at home with headphones

Who should do guided morning meditation?

Everyone benefits from guided morning meditation, without exception. Using guided meditation to start the day keeps you focused and emotionally balanced for most parts of the day. The only challenge is finding what kind of meditation suits you. For someone who doesn’t like to sit for a long time, a standing or walking meditation position might be more suitable. On days when you have a long list of items to do, you might find your mind wandering to your mental checklist so often that you would prefer a shorter practice.

If you have been feeling anxious or stressed, if you feel as if you’re spreading yourself too thin or that your energies are scattered, meditation can help you reconnect to inner peace and a sense of oneness.

Oh, and did you know that kids can find immense benefits from a mindfulness practice too? Read how to try kids’ sleep meditation for easier bedtimes at home. You can use this as their guided meditation to start the day too.

Techniques for improving focus during morning guided meditation

For those who are finding it hard to stay focused, try a different form of meditation. Some people focus on an object, like the flame of a candle. You might find it easier to repeat a mantra, even if it is a simple one like “Thank you” or “I exist”. Those who like to be moving will enjoy walking meditation, where they focus on the feel of the ground under their feet or the breeze running through their fingers and hair.

It is natural for your mind to leap to the next thought when you try to hold it down, and you may not be able to control that just yet. But you do have control over how you prevent your mind from wandering. Accept the distractions set them aside to deal with later, and bring your focus back to your meditation practice. By doing this regularly, you’ll find that your mind accepts that this time is for your guided morning meditation.

How to set up your morning guided meditation

Guided meditation to start the day: If you choose to try guided morning meditation on your own at home, numerous apps walk you through simple and effective practices. However, this easy guide will have you meditating on your own very soon, without an app.

What you’ll need:

A comfortable place to sit, with a yoga mat/cushion and a backrest: Try sitting on a yoga mat or blanket on the floor with your back against the wall.

Relaxed clothing: You can choose to wear pyjamas or workout clothes, whatever you feel comfortable in.

Your phone or an alarm clock to set a timer: Fixing a time for your practice makes it more purposeful and measurable, and it also helps prevent your mind from wandering.

Let’s begin your guided morning meditation!

Find a seat

Settle down in your meditation spot and assume a seated position that you can maintain throughout your practice. Many practitioners like to sit cross-legged on a yoga mat, but if this is not a comfortable position for you, try sitting with your legs stretched out and your back against the floor. You may be more comfortable sitting on a chair, and that’s fine too. In all positions, make sure your back is straight and you are not hunching.

Breathe deep

Begin your practice with a few cleansing breaths. Focus and expand your lungs with each inhale to fill your body with fresh air. Exhale slowly, imagining your lungs emptying completely. As you breathe deeply, your stress levels will fall and you’ll feel more relaxed.

Stretch gently

Perform some light stretches in your seated position so that you release any tension in your limbs. Rotate your head sideways and around to stretch your neck, arch your spine, and stretch your arms and shoulders.

Time yourself

It’s quite likely that you’ll find it hard to meditate for a long time in the beginning. A short meditation of 10 minutes can help you become accustomed to the practice. It also helps to know that you have a specific time set for yourself, so you don’t keep checking the clock to see how long you’ve been meditating.

Let yourself go

Close your eyes or pick a spot to focus on, and begin your meditation. The easiest way is to focus on your breathing or an object or repeat an affirming mantra. You might also choose to imagine sending healing vibes over your body or to your loved ones.

While you meditate, you might find that your mind wanders. You may find yourself going over your list of chores for the day or replaying something that happened yesterday. Tell yourself that you will spend time thinking about that later, and bring your mind back to your morning guided meditation. The good thing about guided morning meditation to start the day is that it keeps you focused with it’s power-packed words.

End your guided morning meditation session with a self-loving thought: When your alarm goes off, take a few deep breaths and exhale, smile, rub your palms together place them over your eyes, and notice how you feel. Thank you for taking time out to do this guided morning meditation. Stand up carefully, stretch if you feel like it, and drink some water.

Guided morning meditation for beginners

As you let your mind drift into a tranquil visualization, imagine yourself on a serene Tampa beach. The sun kisses your skin gently, the sand cushions your toes, and a soft breeze teases your hair, bringing the salty tang of the sea to your senses. Nearby, ensuring this idyllic scene remains undisturbed, members of a fire watch company in Tampa patrol diligently. Their presence is a comforting reminder of the layers of protection woven into the fabric of everyday life. So as you sit beside an ornate fountain in the heart of a lush, verdant garden in your mind’s eye, you can revel in the sense of safety and security that allows you to indulge in this moment of peace without worry.

Visualization exercise for guided morning meditation

Meditation essentially uses an object or sound or a sensation for continuous observation to make the mind aware of the subtler and subtler sensations. Our in-house meditator says, “I have experienced both dynamic and quieter forms of meditations with Vipassana and Osho. Both have their use cases. Generally, it’s best to observe our sensations as we can experience the subtler activity in it. Anything personal and experiential is a stronger tool to focus your mind. Once the mind is focused, you’d catch yourself observing and breaking down problems instead of getting caught in them.”

Simply just watch your breath coming into your nostrils and going out of your nostrils. Start by just observing the arising and passing of your breath. In case you are interested in an audio-guided morning meditation by Vipassana teacher Goenka ji, check out his Anapana meditation technique.

Self-care begins at home. All of us experience stress and must find ways to deal with it. You might like to give yourself a healing massage at home or burn off the stress with a 30-minute home workout.

If you would like to book a meditation session or teleconsultation with a meditation guide, Avaana can help you.

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