Hobbies are a way to spend your free time, break away from your daily activities and engage in something enjoyable. Creating a list of hobbies could take a long time because the possibilities are endless. But for most of us, low finances and opportunities mean that we’ve had to come up with new low-cost hobbies […]
Here are some questions for you to answer: Do you like the way you spend your days? Never feel that you can give enough time to work, family, creative pursuits or hobbies as well as health and exercise? Ever have time for what is important to you? Do you feel like you have a good […]
Attention economy is the new buzzword in this age of endless distractions and hyper-sensory stimulation. It states that focus is the bottleneck of human thought which limits our cognitive abilities. This highlights the importance of knowing how to improve concentration in today’s world. It is hard to maintain focus when we are overwhelmed with information […]
While stress is an inevitable part of life, it can be harmful to your long-term health if you feel highly stressed all the time. For the working population, most of our stress comes from our jobs. However while the job may be the source, the stress that we feel sometimes spills over into our personal […]