How to Practice Kundalini Meditation

Avatar for Mish Khot By in Guided meditation, Kundalini Meditation, meditation on 15/02/2023
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Kundalini Meditation may sound like a mysterious, woo-woo practice. But it’s actually a popular form of yoga that channels positive energy through your entire body.

This spiritual practice reinforces the deep connection between body, mind and spirit. It can also stimulate an empowering awakening of consciousness.

Let’s look at the basics of Kundalini Meditation so you can decide if it’s right for you.

kundalini meditation benefits

History of Kundalini Meditation

Kundalini Meditation was developed in 1968 by Yogi Bhajan. He created it as a “healthy, happy, holy” practice that helps to awaken the kundalini energy in the base of the spine.

It’s a synergy of two teachings :

1. Asanas and Breathing Patterns that help to clear negative energies

2. Chanting and devotional practices that send love through the physical body and beyond.

Kundalini Meditation was huge in America in the 1970s, when Yogi Bhajan began teaching it. Today, it’s one of the most popular meditation practices in yoga studios internationally.


Purpose of Kundalini Meditation

The purpose of kundalini meditation is to active kundalini energy.

Kundalini means ‘coiled snake’. It relates to the latent feminine energy that is coiled at the base of your spine. It also represents your potential.

This form of meditation taps in to the divine energy in the root of every human body. It helps to unleash this primal energy through patience, practice and perseverance.

It’s sometimes called the ‘yoga of awareness’ as consistent practice can stimulate a potent movement of energy.

how to practice kundalini meditation

Possible Benefits of Kundalini Meditation

Research shows that deep meditation has profound physiological and psychological benefits. This is why regular practice of Kundalini Meditation has so many potential benefits. Some of these include:

Improved Concentration

It improves your activity of alpha brain waves. These relaxing brain waves:

  • activate thought and learning
  • stimulate the brain mechanisms involved with clear thinking
  • improve brain patterns involved with cognitive impairment.

Increased Creative Energy

Active types of meditation, like this one, help to banish negative energy and allow creativity to flow.

Enhanced Mind-Body Connection

Meditation techniques awaken the energy channels that connect body and mind.

Stimulates Positive Energy

You can banish heavy emotions! But… this process can feel like an energetic awakening and be a little jolting at first. The results are worth it though, as you’ll create space for more positive energy to flow.

Reduce Anxiety and Stress Levels

Studies show this style of meditation can reduce stress and anxiety levels. This is excellent news if you have generalized anxiety disorder. It’s also great if you’re trying to lower levels of cortisol.


How to Try Kundalini Meditation At Home

Keen to uncoil your kundalini serpent and activate your energy channels?

Here’s how you can create transformational body experiences at home using kundalini meditation.

1. Find a comfortable position

Pop on soft, loose-fitting clothing and find a quiet space where you can relax.

2. Decide on a convenient time

It’s important you’re not disturbed during your practice.

3. Positioning for meditation practices

Sit in a cross-legged position with your back straight and relaxed. You can sit on a chair if you prefer the support, or sit with your back against the wall.

5. Focus on your breathing

The focus of this meditation is simple and does not require any tools. Start by taking deep breaths and focus on the feeling as you inhale. Feel it flowing through your body before you exhale.

6. Establish deep connection using a mantra

Create a deeper connection to this practice by using a mantra. Focus on your mantra as you inhale, then simply let the energy release as you exhale. Choose something that aligns with your intention or approach to life, e.g. I AM love or I AM peace.

7. Use the Breath of Fire

Use the Breath of Fire, an energetic breathing technique. It involves taking intentional breaths, where you inhale passively and exhale forcefully as you contract your abdominal muscles.

Focus on making your inhales and exhales the same length, without pausing. The action of breathing is more important than your speed. So it’s okay to start slowly, then increase your speed – it usually takes time to get used to this deep meditation style. This process usually lasts from 30 seconds to 10 minutes.

 8. Notice the movement of energy

This process is designed to slip you into a deep meditative experience. Notice how it feels when you’re taking deep breaths.

As the serpent begins to uncoil, you may become lightheaded or emotional. If this happens, stop or slow down. Honour what you’re feeling and know your internal energy is awakening. Moments of breathing that are slower can still help your kundalini rise.

Also notice if your salivary levels increase. This will likely happen as you relax and the restorative part of your nervous system engages.

kundalini meditation practice

Kundalini and the Third Eye

As your kundalini awakens, your root chakra activates.

This can bring up old emotions and feelings you need to process. You may also experience unusual sensations in the base of your spine as your central channel of energy clears. Doing chakra meditations can support this process.

Even though this may feel uncomfortable, it is very normal.

An awakening of consciousness doesn’t just happen. It requires patience and a willingness to shift heavy emotions that have been holding you back from your full potential.

Regular practice, even for short bursts, will help this internal energy move faster. And daily practice will bring even quicker results.

As dense vibrational emotions dissipate, kundalini energy will rise up through your chakras. A profound energetic awakening will occur as it reaches your third eye and crown chakra. Be prepared for heightened intuition and activation of your ‘clairs’, e.g. clairvoyance, clairaudience, claircognizance, clairsentience.


Difference between Kundalini Yoga and Kundalini Meditation

Kundalini Meditation is a part of Kundalini Yoga. You can combine them or experiment with only one. Both help to release kundalini energy at the base of the spine.

As you know, kundalini meditation hones in on energetic breathing techniques.

This differs from the kundalini yoga practice, which also incorporates physical exercise into the process. These strengthen the body and help to release suppressed toxins – physical and emotional.


Key Takeaways

Meditation is excellent for your body and mind. However, it’s not the panacea for mental health or a short-term fix for all your ailments.

Don’t be fooled into thinking the quick breaths involved in kundalini mediation will change your life overnight. Or that having an energetic awakening of your divine energy is simple.

Take your time, be patient and know that every bit of self-care is beneficial.

With practice, your serpent can uncoil and your kundalini can rise.

You’ll know when it’s happening as you’ll feel… different, stronger, more confident. Your intuition will expand, vitality will rise, and your stress levels will drop too.

If you would like to join a meditation class near you, Avaana can help you find one.

Avatar for Mish Khot

Mishana Khot is a fiction author and co-founder of The Great Next, an adventure travel company. She has been featured in National Geographic, Forbes magazine, and other publications, and has over 15 years of experience with health, travel, and lifestyle brands.

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