Physio First Beaumaris




  • Physiotherapy
  • Pilates
  • Others

2. DVA Subsequent Consultation (PH20)

20 mins


20 mins


WorkCover Group Physiotherapy

30 mins


30 mins


1. Private Initial Consultation (Regular physio)

40 mins


40 mins


This is for patients whoA) did not see us before B) last time has seen us was in the previous calendar year regardless of how many months.

1. TAC Initial Consultation less than 7 M

40 mins


40 mins


2. NDIS Subsequent one hour Consultation

60 mins


60 mins


2. TAC Review Standard less than 7M.

20 mins


20 mins


NIB FC Initial Consultation

40 mins


40 mins


Workplace Assessment and Report

60 mins


60 mins


max 3 hours or $570

3. TAC Extended Consultation (31-40 minutes) more than 7 M.

35 mins


35 mins


2. TAC Review Standard more than 7M.

20 mins


20 mins


TAC (Telehealth) Review Standard less than 7M.

20 mins


20 mins


TAC (Telehealth) Review Standard more than 7M.

20 mins


20 mins


2. Bupa Standard Consultation

20 mins


20 mins


InjuryNet Workcover Non-Attendance

30 mins


30 mins


InjuryNet Workcover Initial

40 mins


40 mins


InjuryNet Workcover Subsequent

30 mins


30 mins


4. Private Extended Consultation (Regular Physio)

60 mins


60 mins


This is for patients who request longer physio session for one hour.

3. Bupa Long Consultation

30 mins


30 mins


2. Private Standard Consultation (Regular Physio)

20 mins


20 mins


This is for patients:1) who are following from their initial appointments within the same calendar year.2) their last appointment was less than 3 months.

3. TAC Extended Consultation (31-40 minutes) less than 7 M.

35 mins


35 mins


HCF Initial Consultation

30 mins


30 mins


3. TAC Extended consultation (more than 40 min) less than 7M.

45 mins


45 mins


1. Workcover Initial Consultation

30 mins


30 mins


1. DVA Initial Consultation (PH10)

40 mins


40 mins


1. Bupa Initial Consultation

30 mins


30 mins


DVA group physio (per client)

30 mins


30 mins


Bupa Standard Home Visit

20 mins


20 mins


2. Workcover Subsequent Consultation less than 7 months

20 mins


20 mins


3. TAC Extended consultation (more than 40 min) more than 7M.

45 mins


45 mins


3. DVA Extended Consultation (PH30)

30 mins


30 mins


WorkCover-Return to Work Case Conference

30 mins


30 mins


NIB FC Subsequent Consultation

20 mins


20 mins


TAC (Telehealth) Extended consultation (more than 40 min) less than 7M.

45 mins


45 mins


TAC (Telehealth) Initial Consultation less than 7 M

40 mins


40 mins


3. Private Long Consultation(Regular Physio)

30 mins


30 mins


This is for patients:1) who are treated for more than one issue.2) who have their last appointment > 3 months within the same calendar year.

NIB FC Subsequent Long Consultation

30 mins


30 mins


TAC Telehealth Initial Consultation more than 7 M

40 mins


40 mins


2. Workcover Subsequent Consultation more than 7 months

20 mins


20 mins


Home post-op Rehab

60 mins


60 mins


TAC (Telehealth) Extended Consultation (31-40 minutes) less than 7 M.

35 mins


35 mins


1. TAC Initial Consultation more than 7 M

40 mins


40 mins


TAC (Telehealth) Extended Consultation (31-40 minutes) more than 7 M.

35 mins


35 mins


TAC (Telehealth) Extended consultation (more than 40 min) more than 7M.

45 mins


45 mins



Elaria Rezk

Business Hours

03:00 PM - 08:00 PM
03:00 AM - 08:00 PM
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