Open Change

Harbour Esp/Collins St (Docklands), Melbourne, 3055


Since 2015, Sam has been helping people recover from anxiety, not just manage it. Anxiety is the umbrella term for related states including panic, obsessions, OCD, intrusive thinking, perinatal anxiety and many other conditions.

How will coaching help me recover from anxiety?
Coaching is an important tool for many people to access as they recover from anxiety. During a coaching session, Sam helps clients refine and improve their recovery-focused practices, overcome difficult setbacks and generally stay on track.

Sam’s approach is about helping his clients make positive behaviour change to recover from anxiety, not just manage it. Each session is designed to offer his clients time and space to reflect on how they are applying the tools and methods from his free Anxiety Cure Video series (view on his website).

Clients benefit from coaching for many reasons, including when they are mentally tired or fatigued, experience multiple setbacks, lose confidence in their ability to recover or have questions about the information in his videos.

Samuel Eddy, MSc Psychology, B Bus

Sam recovered from anxiety and severe panic in 2012 and since then has been helping clients on their recovery journey. You can find out more information about his approach on his website.


  • Counselling

Anxiety Recovery Coaching (60 min)

60 mins


60 mins


Each session is designed to help you stay on course to recovery by overcoming setbacks, learning more about anxiety and how it impacts you, improving your recovery practices and help your tired mind get clarity to take positive steps forward. This is an opportunity for you to keep moving forward on your journey to recovery. Sam will ask you a series of questions to help you get perspective on your current situation, what is working well and what you are struggling with the most. At the end of each session, Sam will encourage to make commitments as to what you will do to keep moving forward. To get the most out of the session, Sam recommends that you watch video one of his Anxiety Cure Video series, available via is website, before your first session.

Anxiety Recovery Coaching (30 min)

30 mins


30 mins


If you have never worked with Sam, please book a 60 min time for your first coaching session. This is a short 30-minute session to help those already familiar with my anxiety cure recovery program videos on YouTube (accessible via my website). My coaching sessions will help you refine your anxiety recovery practice, based on my Anxiety Cure Video educational series.


Samuel Eddy


Business Hours

09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
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